About NZ Resuscitation

About NZ Resuscitation

About NZ Resuscitation

The New Zealand Resuscitation Council is the standard setting body for resuscitation and first aid in Aotearoa, New Zealand. We focus on international scientific developments within resuscitation, and apply the evidence to the New Zealand environment in the form of our guidelines.  These guidelines are continuously evaluated based on the latest international science. Our courses are regularly updated to ensure our learners are clinically applying the latest science. The NZ Resuscitation Council provides training for New Zealand health professionals.


Our Work

The NZ Resuscitation Council’s training is based off of up-to-date evidence regarding resuscitation from The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). Our resuscitation instructors are certified to help people attain the Certificate of Resuscitation and Emergency Care (CORE), and Newborn Life Support (NLS). Emergency Care Instructors (ECI) is somebody who teaches first aid following the NZ Resuscitation Council guidelines. 


Our Mission

Our mission is to set the standard for resuscitation and first aid in Aotearoa, New Zealand. From this, our vision is that any person in need has the best possible outcome from immediate threat to life and limb.


To learn more, you can view the guidelines and training pages. 


Our Values

Guide Others

  • We evaluate the evidence to guide best practice. We are responsive and agile.

Strive for Excellence

  • We use our expertise to provide the best possible advice and services. We are committed to improvement.

Reach Out

  • We engage and respect others. We collaborate and communicate. We are inclusive.

Do the Right Thing

  • We are open honest and ethical. We are here for Aotearoa.


Our Partners

The NZ Resuscitation Council works closely with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC), and other councils across the world. The New Zealand and Australian Resuscitation Council’s represent Australian and New Zealand Committee on Resuscitation (ANZCOR) on ILCOR.