1 September 2023
NZ Resus 2024: Registration is Open!
Join us in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington on 14-15 June 2024 for what’s promising to be our best scientific meeting yet! Our themes are Auaha, Ahurea, me te Hiranga. Innovation, Culture and…
24 August 2023
New process for becoming a Course Director
We are pleased to announce a change to the process that enables our Advanced Instructors to become a Course Director more quickly. Traditionally before an instructor could become a Course Director…
13 March 2023
Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survival down to 11%
The latest Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Registry shows 2348 people suffered a cardiac arrest in 2021/2022 but only eleven percent survived. That's down from 14 percent survival in 2018/2019. See…
8 December 2022
A Message from our Chief Executive
As we all look forward to the festive season, it is important to acknowledge the incredible dedication and commitment shown by those working in health at a time where staffing numbers are critically…
16 October 2022
Ella's Story: "I know I did everything I could, because I was trained."
Geoff’s story did not end how anyone expected. At 62 years old, Geoff was fit and healthy, running a motel in the Hutt Valley and enjoying the pleasures of life along with his wife of 40 years…
13 October 2022
Tennis players rally to save woman's life
When Registered Nurse Jane Brunton was playing tennis on a hot Waikato summer morning she didn’t expect the woman serving opposite her to collapse. Jane initially thought that the woman was suffering…